Author Image: Tom Tatum

Tom Tatum

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Although Pennsylvania’s statewide archery season ends on Nov. 22, the season here in our neck of Penn’s Woods (Wildlife Management Units 5C and 5D) runs clear through Nov. 29. This year our lingering warm weather appears to have delayed the peak of the whitetail breeding season (aka the rut). So now we can expect a greater number of bowhunters to take to the trees as they attempt to fill their buck tags. Unfortunately, at this late point in Pennsylvania’s bowhunting season on whitetail deer, some of those bow and arrow wielding hunters may be getting a little casual and cavalier with respect to their tree stands. 
My love/hate affair with the raccoon goes back more than half a century. My first exposure to this masked, ring-tailed varmint came through such books as “Rascal,” a 1963 children's book by Sterling North about his childhood in Wisconsin. It was a read that stirred my interest in the possibility of having a raccoon for a pet. Soon after reading “Rascal” I discovered the book “The World of the Raccoon” by Leonard Lee Rue III published in 1964 which documented the pros and cons of keeping raccoons as pets.