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Opinion |
Your View: Newspapers vital to democracy in U.S.

Mike Albanese of Bethlehem, left, and Chuck Savitske of Hellertown on Dec. 8, 2021, load a portion of an antique press that had been on display in the lobby of The Morning Call building in Allentown. The press was donated to the National Museum of Industrial History in Bethlehem. (Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call)
Mike Albanese of Bethlehem, left, and Chuck Savitske of Hellertown on Dec. 8, 2021, load a portion of an antique press that had been on display in the lobby of The Morning Call building in Allentown. The press was donated to the National Museum of Industrial History in Bethlehem. (Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call)

Opinion: To a dinosaur like me, and many others, the loss of print editions of newspapers across the country is yet another tragic consequence of the digital era.

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